Module 4

TITLE OF THE TASK: The elements of the Solar System
AIM OF THE TASK: To know the connexions between certain elements of our Solar System.

DESCRIPTION OF THE TASK: (What are they going to do? How are you going to organize them? Steps to follow and final product)
In small groups (4 students) they are going to fill a table with their previous knowledge about the topic (stars, the Sun, planets..)

Then they are going to make a kind of puzzle, with flashcards in order to see the connexions between different elements of our Solar System.

The third step is to reach some informations in the NASA’s website, in order to see some graphics and videos about the elements of our Solar System.

The main activity is to create a mind map using:

Then the students (groups of four) they have to present their mind map, and with the help of the teacher we are going to connect the different minds maps and make a collaborative one (using the digital whiteboard).

WEB TOOL (link):

Tutorial about the web tool. 
I’m going to use this tutorial called: create a Mind Map in 4 steps:


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