YEAR: 4th grade

Step 1:   The driving question.
·         Let’s write down your driving question and why you think this is important.
Why we don’t always see the moon in the sky?
In the 4rt grade Primary in the subject of Sciences, students have to learn how the moon in general (phases, movements, satellite), about the Solar System, and how it’s connected.

Step 2: The preview of the whole unit
·         Preview the whole unit. Take a look at the title, headings, and captions to obtain 15-20 basic vocabulary that must be internalized by my pupils at the end of the unit.
-          Moon, solar/lunar eclipse, phases, moon calendar, satellite, gravity, planets, stars, universe, solar system, rotation movement, revolution movement, light, temperature, sky, full moon, new moon, first quarter, third quarter.

Step 3: The easiest and hardest section of your unit.
-          The easiest: To design and register information in a moon observation calendar.
-          The hardest: To understand the gravity concept.

Step 4: Law aspects.
The LOMCE defines 7 competences: (let’s define some aspects of each competences)
  • Linguistic competence: know how to communicate in different aspects
  • civic competences: Realize where you live and how is the world
  • Initiative and entrepreneurship.: you have initiative and transform ideas into projects
  • Cultural awareness Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology: The mathematical competence is focused on use the numbers and work with them
  • Digital competence: this competence in Catalunya adds the information treatment. How to find information and how to treat it.
  • Learning to learn: how you can learn, every person has to know how to learn in an efficient and autonomous way.
  • Social and and expression: to have critical awareness in an artistic context

I will include these LOMCE standards in my unit plan: (try to find it into your Autonomous Community curriculum)
  • Linguistic competence: being able to explain how an eclipse works.
  • Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology: understand how the gravity works.
  • Initiative and entrepreneurship: to be able to make experiments, and try to solve the question transforming the idea they have into a reality.
  • Digital competence: searching information about the moon and the solar system.
  • Cultural awareness and expression: to be able to learn the relationship of the moon phases and our culture.

Step 5: Content
·         Which interdisciplinary subjects could be connected to in this unit? Why and how?
It basically will be connected English language and Science and a little bit of Physics and Maths.

Steps 6: Soft Skills.
·         I will include these soft skills in my unit plan:
o    Teamwork
o    Giving and receiving feedback
o    Positive attitude
o    Be able to share their knowledge
o    To observe the sky everyday (observation calendar)
o   Participate in the experiments


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